imgVirtual care services are open 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 5 pm weekends.

img Sep 8, 2023

img 8 minute read

img by MD Connected


Your body functions in a complex way and when one system struggles with its health, that could mean complications for others. And what happens when your body doesn’t have all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function in a healthy way?

Learn more about nutrient deficiencies, your digestive system and your gastrointestinal tract, and how to improve your nutrition to stay healthy in this week’s blog post.



A healthy and balanced diet is essential to your overall health. There are many types of vitamins and minerals that your body needs from consuming different foods. If you do not have enough of one food type, you could start experiencing deficiency symptoms. The 4 most common deficiencies include:

Iron Deficiency

The most common deficiency in the world, impacting 25% of adults, is iron deficiency. Iron is a mineral that helps your body make red blood cells and transport oxygen. Symptoms of an iron deficiency include tiredness, weakness, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function.

Did you know that 47% of preschool children have an iron deficiency because their diets are lacking iron-rich food? Iron-rich foods include red meat, dark leafy greens, beans and much more. If you are not consuming enough iron in your diet, over-the-counter iron supplements are an effective way to increase your iron levels. Also, vitamin C has been shown to increase the absorption of iron, especially when taken with an iron supplement!

Iodine Deficiency

Iodine deficiency affects nearly a third of the world’s population and is essential for your thyroid to function normally. Thyroids are located at the front of your neck wrapped around your windpipe (trachea) and produce hormones that are involved in growth, brain development, bone maintenance, and metabolic regulation. Symptoms of a lack of Iodine include enlarged thyroid gland, a decrease in heart rate, shortness of breath, and weight gain.

Iodine can be found in fish, dairy, eggs and seaweed products. Some countries also add iodine to table salt to help prevent iodine deficiencies.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, supports your immune system, and protects your bones, muscles, and heart. Your body can get vitamin D through foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and cod liver oil, however, it is mostly produced upon exposure to sunlight. Deficiency in Vitamin D is commonly found in those living further away from the equator due to lack of sunlight.

In Canada, one-third of the population (32%) has insufficient vitamin D levels. It is suggested that most people in the northern hemisphere such as Canada should supplement vitamin D year-round.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is essential to the function of your entire body. It aids in blood formation and brain and nerve function. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products, and it has been found that 80%-90% of vegetarians, vegans and anyone who does not eat animal products to be deficient. Elderly adults also have a higher chance of being deficient as absorption of nutrients decreases with age.

Vitamin B12 can be found in shellfish, meats (especially organ meats), eggs, and milk products. A specific protein called intrinsic factor is required for Vitamin B12 absorption. The intrinsic factor is manufactured in the stomach, and individuals who do not produce enough intrinsic factor are at higher risk for B12 deficiency.

You may be able to improve the state of a deficiency by changing your diet, but we always recommend speaking with a doctor or specialist if you suspect a nutrient deficiency. They can recommend a treatment that works best for you, whether it be a change in diet, supplements, or Vitamin B12 shots.

Book an appointment to work with our doctors to find the best solution for you.



Gut health refers to the balance of the microbiome in your gastrointestinal system. The microbiome is made up of thousands of different types of bacteria. This bacteria is crucial to gut health! It is the good bacteria’s job to keep the bad in check to prevent disease and to help digest different foods. There is also an abundance of research to suggest that the microbiome is connected to your central nervous system and impacts brain function, mood, and gastrointestinal motility.

As you age, you are exposed to more food, which diversifies the types of bacteria that you will have. However, if the microbiome in your gut is thrown off, it could impact many different areas of your health, not just your immune system, or gastrointestinal system.

Signs of an unhealthy gut include:

Bullet PointUpset stomach

Bullet PointDifficulty sleeping and fatigue

Bullet PointSkin irritations

Bullet PointFood intolerances

Bullet PointExtreme food cravings, especially sugar

Bullet PointUnintentional weight changes

Bullet PointAutoimmune conditions

Ways to improve your gut health include:

Bullet PointReduce stress

Bullet PointCheck for food intolerances

Bullet PointStay hydrated

Bullet PointBe careful with alcohol consumption

Bullet PointStay away from processed foods

Bullet PointPrioritize quality sleep

Bullet PointEat slowly for full digestion and nutrient absorption

Bullet PointSpeak to your doctor about a prebiotic or probiotic

Bullet PointDo not overuse NSAIDS (Advil, Naproxen)

For help with improving your gut health, book an appointment to speak with one of our doctors.


Although you may do your best to promote a healthy gut, some things are out of your control. There are some chronic diseases that can impact your gut health and cause serious health problems.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They seem similar and you may experience similar symptoms, but they are very different and require different treatments. IBD is a more serious disease that causes physical damage to your intestines while IBS is a syndrome that you experience but there is no physical damage done.

IBD is an overarching category for inflammatory diseases like Colitis or Chron’s disease and there is currently no known cause. It was suspected that stress and diet caused IBD, but it is now known that those are irritants of the disease, not causes. Another theory is that your immune system damages your microbiome while fighting off bacteria and diseases and caused permanent damage.

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you should inquire about a workup with a medical professional for a proper diagnosis. There are many complications that can occur due to IBD. Symptoms of IBD include:

Bullet PointDiarrhea

Bullet PointAbdominal pain and cramping

Bullet PointReduced appetite

Bullet PointFatigue

Bullet PointBlood in your stool

Bullet PointUnintended weight loss

Celiac Disease

Did you know that as many as 300 000 Canadians have celiac disease, with many of them being undiagnosed? Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that causes your immune system to react to gluten. Gluten is a term used to describe proteins found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye.

Exposure to gluten for someone who is celiac causes inflammation in the gut and prolonged exposure can gradually cause damage to the small intestines and nutrient deficiencies due to difficulty absorbing minerals and vitamins from food.

Children are more likely to develop digestive symptoms than adults, however, adults can also experience:

Bullet PointAbdominal Pain

Bullet PointGas

Bullet PointNausea

Bullet PointPale stool with a foul smell

Bullet PointBloating

Bullet PointChronic diarrhea or constipation

Bullet PointVomiting

Bullet PointFatty stool that floats

Other symptoms that could be caused by celiac disease include:

Bullet PointWeight loss

Bullet PointDepression or anxiety

Bullet PointMouth sores

Bullet PointFatigue

Bullet PointJoint pain

Bullet PointA rash called dermatitis herpetiformis

Bullet PointNerve damage in the extremities, called peripheral neuropathy, which can cause tingling in the legs and feet

If you are experiencing symptoms of what you suspect to be a gastrointestinal or digestive disease, speak with our doctors to see what is recommended in a treatment plan.

Our doctors can also refer you to our dietitian partners at NutriProCan. They can help provide you with the support you need when it comes to finding a diet that will not irritate your digestive system.



MD Connected Ltd. can help you save time and energy when you book an online doctor’s appointment. After the appointment, if necessary, a virtual prescription by one of our Canadian doctors will be sent directly to your pharmacy.

MD Connected Ltd. is led by a diverse team of doctors with varying backgrounds and provides its services in multiple languages. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have used MD Connected for general consultations, prescription renewals, sexual health, mental wellness, travel health, sick notes and forms, and more.

To learn more about MD Connected Ltd., contact us by visiting or e-mail us at

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imgVirtual care services are open 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 5 pm weekends.